Sunday, June 24, 2012

Good news and random things

I've recently acquired larger (but not large, mind you) living quarters, which means I finally have my own studio of sorts. And although I don't have a lot of extra time to make art, I am a lot more comfortable when I do. Now I can close the door and let myself get high on turp fumes in peace. 
Also, to finish up the Addy Awards/Ihop Painting saga, my painting won a silver national student Addy award (and so did Carissa Creveling's fantastic bat painting!). 


So, it's been a while since my last post. That's because I was waiting to have substantial artwork to show and I realize I probably waited a little too long. Nevertheless, here is what I've done in the last month or so...

 Here is the watercolor assignment I ended up doing for my Illustration Media class last semester.

Figure studies done for the Figure Sculpture class I'm currently taking.

Here is the first exercise we did for Figure Sculpting class. I'm not that great at sculpting and don't care to be, so I'm usually pretty content with whatever I manage to produce.

This is the first finished painting of a series I'm working on for my Personal Vision class. 
The set of 4-5 self-portraits is meant to portray a spectrum of emotions or emotional reactions fueled by either love or fear. The idea comes from a quote that says "All that is not love is only fear". I want to go beyond rendering pretty things and onto embodying a metaphysical thing, like an emotional state, through physical means, which is not an easy task. I find it very difficult to verbalize what the series is about beyond what I've written so far. I hope that the paintings will be strong enough to speak for themselves once they're all finished.

Also, I've had the pleasure of being invited to join a group of extremely talented fellow students in putting up a student gallery show next month. I'm very excited to be a part of this project.

Here is the sketch of the piece I'll be doing for the show. I decided I wanted to have as much fun with it as I could, so I went back to the type of things I used to draw for fun, long before I ever took a painting class. The theme for the show is portraiture, but also the painting has to extend off the canvas and onto the wall somehow. I think this leaves a ton of room for creativity and I'm very interested to see how all of our different styles and interests will come together for the show. I have a feeling it's going to be awesome.


And, finally, I want to show off the lovely 3x3" paintings of my dog that Juju was so sweet to paint for me. I think she did a fantastic job.

They're just so cute and tiny! My family loved them.