Saturday, November 12, 2011

Can I just say that

This semester is going by way too fast. I may be the only person I know who is actually sad that it's coming to an end. I'm only excited that I won't have to go to printmaking at 8 am anymore.

On the bright side, I dropped enough hints around to get my sister and mom to gift me a standing easel for Christmas. That way I can keep painting even though I can't take a painting class next semester. I might just take permanent residence in the painting room like Alexa, although her beastly easel would probably make mine look like a dumpy hamster. Or maybe I'll take a break from the fumes seeing as I'll only be using sissy prisma colored pencils and markers next semester...

Also, I'm adding Kim Cogan to the list of peopleIloveandhateatthesametime.

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