Sunday, January 15, 2012

I don't want to brag or anything but

I'm still patting myself on the back for my ingenious solution to a problem I ran into several weeks ago. The crafty ladies I follow on Pinterest could probably come up with a better, prettier solution, but since I'm not a bored housewife who spends her time pinning pictures of DIY crafts and junk I'll never actually do, I'm rather proud of my own amateur solution. 

Naturally, I've amassed too many brushes to keep in my little folding brush holder thing, so I took myself to target and got a tin bucket from the dollar section, which I covered in gift-wrapping paper to make it look nice. I didn't realize the birds were upside down until I was done, but it was perfectly intentional. 
Anyway, I found that the little brushes were getting swallowed up by the big ones in this giant container, so after thinking about this for I kid you not thirty minutes, I had an epiphany. So I cut up some cardboard strips and taped them to a corner of the bucket and ha! big brushes can't bully little brushes anymore. Thank you, hold the applause.


And here are some coffee filters. 

 And a creepy horse based on one of David's pictures.

And a fish. Karla named him Toño. I took a picture of him at the zoo last weekend. 

And a self portrait since people aren't as willing to let me paint their faces as I thought they would be. If they feared I'd make them look manlier and angrier then they are, I guess that's a valid excuse...or it was until now! Look at that. Androgyny! And I don't even look mad.

And a portrait of Karla, for even if y'all don't believe it, it's NOT like painting myself.

And oh boy, I'm sorry Sam. I had such a hard time with this one. I attempted a second one, but it came out ten times worse. I really wanted to capture the expression on your face, but I failed. I owe you three pies.

That's it for artwork, but here is some music...

In the unlikely event that you already know all these songs, know that you have excellent taste.


  1. I don't know why you were beating yourself up over that painting of Sam. It looks great! =D

    1. It just bugs me that I worked so hard on it and I don't like it as much as I wanted to, but thank you! I really appreciate the support.
