Sunday, February 26, 2012

I spent all day outside

Here are some pictures I managed to take despite all the dangers of the wilderness and my inability to walk and/or balance myself on solid ground.

I got enough sunlight and exercise for the rest of the year. I will retreat back into the shadows now.
I need to catch up to everyone in the Intro. to Painting class with these self portraits. I'll try to do at least 20, if not one every day.


Today I learned that I look like Frida Kahlo in ALL my self portraits. Can I just say that she is my hero? I mean, her hair always looked nice, she didn't take shit from anyone, and had impeccable taste in men. I can only hope that one day my mustache grows to be as furry as hers.

Yet another coffee filter. I didn't realize I'd already painted this one until I was halfway done with it. 

And two out of four peppers I have to render for my Illustration Media class.

And the first painting of the series I'm working on. It still needs more work, but not a whole lot.
Yubi, you were such a great model. I'm sorry everyone keeps mentioning Black Swan. You can cover me in glue, roll me in feathers, and set me on fire for your next painting if you want. I will do it just for you.

That is all. Have a good night, friends.

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